For the Turbo PMAC 3U, the switch settings for the first ACC-28E should be: 1-6 all in the closed position. This will configure the card for address: Y:$78C00.
Assigning the M variables to read the 4 channels is:
Mxxxx->Y:$78C00,8,16,U for channel 1
Mxxxx->Y:$78C01,8,16,U for channel 2
Mxxxx->Y:$78C02,8,16,U for channel 3
Mxxxx->Y:$78C03,8,16,U for channel 4
To configure the analog input as feedback for a given axis, set the encoder conversion table
as such:
example for axis 6 using channel 1 of ACC-28E as position feedback.
I8005 = $1F8C00
Since the analog input is absolute, you also need to set the following I variables:
example for axis 6 using channel 1 of ACC-28E as position feedback.
I610 = $78C00 | ;Power up initialization of the position |
I695 = $310000 | ;Format of Ixx10 is an unsigned A/D ACC-28 |
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