Tisfoon Ulterior Systems
2804 Wade Avenue
Raleigh, NC 27607 USA
TUS announces locoMotion, a set of visual industrial automation tools for PC control of industrial machinery
Tisfoon Ulterior Systems announces the release of locoMotion, a set of visual components for Rapid Application Development (RAD) of motion control systems and industrial machinery automation.
The set of 16 components control servo motors, stepper motors, digital IO, and analog IO, in addition to specialized components to control master slave axes, two dimensional gantries, analog input filters, conveyors, and visual diagnostics.
Included are built in GUI forms for user configurable parameters such as PID filter parameters for servo/stepper motors, port numbers for IO, etc. These forms have optional operator level and maintenance level passwords along with complete online documentation. Additionally, there are built in diagnostics forms with background status updates for each device.
locoMotion has already been used in a wide range of applications such as two-dimensional cloth cutting, 12-axis furniture bag producer, rip saw optimizer, and vision based lumber profiler/grader.
locoMotion is more than just visual tools for controlling hardware. By creating background threads and handling machine start/stop requirements, it provides the programmer with a solid foundation upon which to build any type of industrial machinery.
At this time, there is support for the Delta Tau Turbo PMAC(1) card and the Motion Engineering DSP series cards. Demo, sample application, and help files (programmer’s guide and operator’s guide) available for download.
Price: US $945.
Telephone: (919) 881-8322
Web Site: https://www.Tisfoon.com/locomotion.html
©1994-2023 TUS, Inc. 3434 Edwards Mill Rd. Suite 112-326 Raleigh, NC 27612 USA